Loverecovery.com is a non-commercial project. It consists a group of people, who in this or that form, went through parting with the loving person or a divorce, and also the professionals – psychologist and the orthodox priests. We understand how difficult it is and want to help others. Originally, this site was created in the Russian language and became one of the most successful projects of the similar projects in the Russian internet. The success of this site is measured by thousands of people, who got assistance under the difficult situation up to suicide. Based on the texts of the site, the book ‘How to overcome the parting with the loving person’ was issued and became the bestseller in 2008.
We thought that probably we could help the English-speaking people.
The advice that is given on this site works very effectively because they are based on three main points – psychology, orthodox religion and experience. Because the orthodox religion is not well-known to the world, we decided to share information on it at our site.
 All of the participants of this project take part in it during after-work hours. Therefore, our possibilities to develop the project are limited. If you want to help us and become one of the participant of the project, you can do it by one of the following methods:
 How to help project and the people, whom it helps
1.      If you speak in English well, help us to correct the mistakes
If you notices mistakes or ‘roughness’ in our texts, please, write us about it and introduce your version of the text.
2.      If you are a web-master, put the text link into your site
You can take the text links and banners from the page Banners.

3.      If you share the idea of this site, help others to overcome and go through parting
Make your comments and feedback on requests to help this page SOS. You can subscribe for the notification on new requests to help.
4.      If you can help financially – contribute into the advertisement campaign of the project
You can wire fund to ….. All funds from this account are used only for the support of the project and its context advertisement at the English search. 

Let us help each other to recover love!

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